
Welcome to TESLbug! 🙂

This blog was created by teachers who wanted to share their experiences, stories, knowledge, and tips to help new teachers become more confident and more effective in the classroom.

We believe that teachers should have maximum support, guidance, and encouragement without having to pay for it (since they are often underpaid) and we’re working to provide a host of free resources and guides so teachers can focus on what is most important – the students. After all, they are our future 😉

This is not just a website for fabulous articles and hilarious guides, we’re currently working to put together a Dropbox folder full of fantastic and free resources such as Worksheets, Flashcards, Grammar Guides, Videos, Songs, Games, Books, and plenty more! These folders and files will be shared throughout the blog along with detailed guides and tips on how to use these resources to liven-up your lessons and students.

The only thing I would ask is if you have a friend who is starting out as a teacher or know anyone whom you think might benefit from reading this blog, please share it with them!

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11 thoughts on “Welcome!

  1. Oh, so glad I stumbled upon this! My ELL students are one special population that I feel like I underserve. Not because I want too, but because I am at such a loss as to how to better serve them.


    • I know exactly how you feel – I feel like I let my ‘kids’ down everytime a lesson doesn’t work. It’s a demanding job but also such a great feeling to teach a great class and feel like you made a difference!


  2. What a wonderful thought of sharing resources through a blog. Very noble. As for myself, am a ‘passionate’ teacher…having taught ESL students for 2 years…and I must say it has been one hell of an experience… the excellent, good, the bad and the ugly too 🙂 but fun in all .. .from the baby levels to the top end :p So happy to come across this blog 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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